Need a very dependable person to help part time for a small company doling the side jobs.
This involves working in flower beds,( we can train but you need to be in good physical shape ) running errands around town in your car( milage paid) and filing some office work.
This is for 2-3 days a week.
Could be a few hours at a time.
You must be detail oriented and most of all be dependable.
I have enough going on, and the last thing I want is to be having to micro manage this position.
Females are always better for they are better with gardening and have more reasons to need a part time job like this, ( mom life, school, kids, ) You need to look sharp and not like you rolled off a 3 day binge of meth.
We all have problems, we all are broke, we all have the world ending, you just keep those problems at home, show up, do the job, and get paid.
Be on time for the next time we need you.
That would mean a lot.